My name is Livia, I work in the social service industry. I come from a long line of service minded people. BLUE 815 allows me to give back to a cause that has deeply touched me and my family. As a community, it should be our intention to leave our world a little better than we found it. That is what Jaimie did, and that is my desire of you, too. Together we can make real change. Thank you for your support!
Livia Bane, BLUE 815 Board Member
From Andrea, BLUE 815 Chair:
Livia is a member of the team who has no familial connection to law enforcement, but fully supports the jobs our men and women in blue are doing daily in order to keep our community safe. I have known her for 25+ years, an in a moment's notice, she wrote a speech and spoke in support of the Police Memorial Bridge at the City of Rockford City Council Meeting in May 2018. You can listen to Livia's city council speech here:
**Note - the "Meet the Team" series was edited down to a 4 part series vs. a 5 part.